Category: Product Liability

Facebook Being Used Against Personal Injury Victims

by John McKiggan

Defence Lawyers on Facebook

Everybody seems to be interested in Facebook, Twitter and all the other social media networks these days. That includes lawyers who represent insurance companies. There have been a series of cases across Canada where lawyers for insurance companies have demanded production of plaintiffs’ Facebook pages in order to use the information against the plaintiff.

Depressed Victim Looked Too Happy

Injuries, Death Lead to Hydroxycut Recall

by John McKiggan

Weight Loss Product Recalled

Hydroxycut, a weight loss supplement, has been recalled by the FDA as a result of at least 23 reports of serious liver injuries and one death.

Liver Injury, Heart Problems and Muscle Damage

Hydroxycut is a diet supplement marketed to help people lose weight and burn fat.
In addition to the risk of liver injury, reported health risks have also included heart problems, seizures and a serious type of muscle damage called rhabdomyolysis.

Cause of Problems Unknown

Trasylol (Aprotinin) May Cause Fatal Side Effects: Information for patients

by John McKiggan

We have been investigating potential personal injury claims against Bayer Inc. the manufacturer of the drug Trasylol (Aprotinin) for almost a year now.

In January 2006, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that of the 4,400 heart surgery patients who received Trasylol:

1. Trasylol increased the risk of stroke by 181%;

Trasylol (Aprotinin) Class Action: Information for Nova Scotia patients.

by John McKiggan

A “multi-million dollar” class action law suit has been filed against drug manufacturer Bayer Inc. for injuries allegedly caused by the drug Trasylol (also known as Aprotinin)

CTV News has reported that a number of class action lawsuits have been filed in the United States. Now patients in Canada have filed a similar lawsuit.

Bayer Inc. withdrew Trasylol from the market after medical research studies showed that patients treated with the drug were more likely to die than patients treated with other medication.

How Insurance Companies Deny, Delay, Confuse and Refuse: New Report

by John McKiggan

Insurance companies use “dirty tricks” and “unethical behavior” to deny legitimate claims and boost their profits, according to a new report released by the American Association for Justice.

The report explains how insurers have:

…endeavored to deny claims, delay payments, confuse consumers with incomprehensible insurance-speak, and retroactively refuse anyone who may cost them money.

Cheese Recall in Quebec Feeds Listeria Hysteria

by John McKiggan

Provincial health authorities in Quebec have announced a recall of three brands of cheese after one person died and 87 people became sick from salmonella food poisoning.

The recall has increased the hysteria surrounding the Maple Leaf Foods listeria recall.

I have seen at least three media reports incorrectly linking the cheese recall with listeria. See here and here, for examples.