Assessment of Amnesia in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Cases: Nova Scotia Personal Injury Lawyer Explains
Early Identification of Brain Injury Critical
Early identification of patients who have suffered mild traumatic brain injury is imperative to determine appropriate treatment and ensure a maximum recovery. Although there is some disagreement among medical professional as to what constitutes mild traumatic brain injury, all medical professionals agree that amnesia is evidence of a brain injury.
Online Tool Helps Explain
I want to thank my fellow blogger, Bruce Stern at the Traumatic Brain Injury Law Blog, for pointing me to a website created by the Department of Psychology at MacQuarie University in Australia. The website was created to help patients who have suffered a mild traumatic brain injury and has an online presentation of the abbreviated Westmead Post-Traumatic Amnesia Scale. The A-WPTAS is a method of measuring the duration of post traumatic amnesia.
You can watch the presentation here.
Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia
As I have mentioned before, I have been appointed to the Board of the Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia: Halifax Chapter. BIANS website has a list of online resources for survivors of brain injury and their families.
If you are looking for a Nova Scotia Brain Injury Lawyer you can contact me through this blog for a free copy of my book, The Survivors Guide to Brain Injury Claims: How to prove the invisible injury, or by calling me toll free at 1-877-423-2050.