Sleepy Drivers Cause 400 Deaths 2100 Serious Injuries Every Year

by John McKiggan

Driver fatigue is a factor in 20% of fatal car crashes and the cause of more than 400 deaths due to car accidents every year according to a new report from the Highway Safety Roundtable.

The study also reported that an alarming 20 percent of Canadians admit to falling asleep at the wheel at least once over the last year.

I was actually a little surprised by the reports findings. In my practice representing people who have suffered injury as a result of motor vehicle accidents, I would have said driver fatigue was an issue in close to 50% of all serious car crashes.

The Canada Safety Council has posted a website: Tips to Avoid Drowsy Driving that is worth a look.

If you are looking for a Nova Scotia personal injury lawyer you can contact me to get a free copy of my book, The Consumer’s Guide to Car Accident Claims in Nova Scotia. I have been representing people who have suffered serious injuries for more than 18 years. For more information you can contact me through this blog or by calling toll free at 1-877-423-2050.

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