Brain Injury Myth – Children Recover Quickly From Brain Injury

by John McKiggan

Children Vulnerable to Head Injury

Children do not lose consciousness as easily as adults. Because they don’t get “knocked out” as often as adults, a myth developed that children did not suffer brain injury as easily or as often adults.

Another myth about children and brain injury is that children are more resilient than adults and that they recover or “bounce back” faster after a traumatic brain injury.

However, Dr. William Singer, a specialist in pediatric brain injury, has been quoted as saying:
“While children are resilient to many things, T.B.I. is not one of them. Children just don’t bounce back after a traumatic brain injury”

Normal I.Q. Doesn’t = No Brain Injury

I.Q. scores have sometimes been used to measure the effects of brain injury in children. Unfortunately I.Q. tests are not a reliable indicator of the effects of brain injury. Brain injury does not affect a victims I.Q.

Putting the Puzzle Together
Brain injury affects the victim’s ability to organize and retain information. I.Q. tests are not a reliable of a child’s learning ability after brain injury because most intelligence tests measure prior learning. But mild brain injury does not affect prior learning.

Brain injury affects the ability to learn, retain and organize new information. In a sense, brain injury prevents the victim from being able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together to make sense out of the information they have; to be able to see the whole picture.

The problems created by brain injury can only be effectively and objectively measured by neuropsychological testing.

Want more information? Contact me through this blog and ask for a free copy of my book, The Survivor’s Guide to Brain Injury Claims: How to prove the invisible injury.

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